Name Surname
Obed Asante

Obed Asante

I'm a Frontend Web Developer with clarified knowledge in Html5, css3, Javascript, PHP ,Website Prototyping, Git & Github, UI and UX Designs.

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Tools In Development

Html5 semantics, Sass, Jquery, PHP for backend development, Azure RP for web prototyping, Bootstrap 4, Materialize Css, Bulma, Zurb Foundation, Semantic UI ,ES6, React Js with Gatsby Js, WordPress, Git for version control & Gulp for task automations .


Placeholder title

Express Cargo Forwader

A simple but elegant landing page website for a logistic company.

Tools: Html5, Sass, Bootstrap 4, Jquery, PHP for contact Form.

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Clean Homes

A simple website for a cooperate cleaning entity based on material design.

Tools: Html5, Sass, Materialize Css, Jquery

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cleanhomes website
steredapharmacy website

Stereda Pharmacy

A Pharmacy Website

Tools: Html5, Sass, Bootstrap 4, Jquery, PHP for contact Form with My Custom Jquery Whatsapp Plugin

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Divine Organic Hub

Ecommerce Site for an Organic Products without payment methods

Tools: Html5 , Sass, Bootstrap 4, Jquery, PHP and my custom Jquery Whatsapp Plugin

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Divine Organic Hub

Get in touch with me

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